
Thursday, March 18, 2004

I received my acceptance letter today for RADA's 8-week Acting Shakespeare Course. I'm very excited, and I look forward to exploring Shakespeare's text fully. It has been my dream for quite awhile to attend RADA, and now I am actually going to get the chance.

Lately I've been working on my walk. I've been frustrated because all of my movement teachers require different standing postures. In voice, we are told to stand with our weight forward, imaging that our spine is cushioned with air. In Tai Chi, we are told to sit down in the back of our feet, and to allow the pelvis to drop down. In movement, we are told to lengthen upward. I don't know which position is correct. All I know is that my back is killing me from experimenting with the way in which our Tai Chi teacher has told us to sit, stand, and walk. I don't know if it's a good pain or a bad pain. I wish our teachers were consistent in their teaching.

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